Pharmacy Consultations

Millbrook Medical Centre is teaming up with nearby Pharmacists to help you with small health issues. Sometimes, it might be better for you to talk to a Pharmacist instead of coming to see the GP.

You can pick a pharmacy that’s easy for you to get to, and we’ll set up the appointment for you.

How pharmacy consultations work

  • Speak to Reception either at the front desk or by calling 0151 546 2480.
  • We’ll send your contact details and the information about your condition to the pharmacy you have chosen.
  • The pharmacist will contact you to arrange your consultation which will either be by phone or video call, or you can go into the pharmacy. The consultation will be confidential – anything you discuss will be kept private.
  • If you go into the pharmacy, let the counter staff know you have been sent by your practice and that you have arrived for a consultation with the pharmacist. All pharmacies have a confidential consultation room.

How the pharmacist can help you

Pharmacists are highly skilled healthcare professionals who can give health advice on a range of minor conditions and have trained in medicines for at least five years, such as:

  • Sinusitis (for those aged 12 years and over)
  • Sore throat (for those aged 5 years and over)
  • Earache (for those aged between 1 and 17 years old)
  • Infected insect bite (for those aged 1 year and over)
  • Impetigo (for those aged 1 year and over)
  • Shingles (for those aged over 18 years old
  • Uncomplicated urinary tract infections (UTIs) (for women aged 16-64)

The pharmacist will review your symptoms. If they think you need to see another healthcare professional (like a GP or optician), they will help to arrange this.

Pharmacists know a lot about medicines and can help with different health worries. If they think you need treatment for your symptoms, they may suggest a medicine that you can buy over the counter (without a prescription).

After you see them, they’ll tell us the outcome, and if you need to come back for another appointment.

Choosing your pharmacy

You can choose to have your consultation with any available pharmacy providing the service.

Your information

We will only use your personal information when we need it to manage your care safely.